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Bag Out Of The Cat

Mark Thompson • Mar 28, 2019

My entire working life, I have burned to start a company. Here I am. Incredibly excited. Incredibly ……..  

Allow me to introduce you all to Watermark Data. This blog will be a combination of thoughts, philosophies, tips, tricks, videos, and links to others who I feel provide value. Many of my thoughts will sound cliché, but the truth is, they capture my sentiment, so if that makes me cliché, so be it. I’m at peace knowing at least that my corny-cliché is real and sincere.

For this very first blog I’m going to borrow a quote from Theodore Roosevelt. 

“The Man In The Arena” whose sentiment I couldn’t agree more. 

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." 

So here I am, in the arena, and positively ecstatic to be here.

Watermark Data Company Blog

By Mark Thompson 17 Dec, 2019
PART I “Data is the new Oil !!” … but ... is that the right analogy? It’s been said countless times over the last couple years. I don’t agree. It's a great sound bite. I get the analogy, it’s where you find money right under your feet you just need to unearth it. There’s a big ‘data rush’ occurring as people attempt to uncover it. There is huge money to be made for those who find it. Problem is, that’s as far as the analogy goes. The reality is that oil is finite, data is infinite. If you can find oil first then you can prevent others from getting it. If you get a monopoly on oil you’re set. There is no monopoly with data, there is always more to uncover, and competitors will always be able to look for their own. Data is effectively infinite. You’re only going to discover more the longer and deeper you go. How about this instead? Data is the new electricity! It's powering the world. Some companies can see it's potential and are adopting data faster than others. Data will be created more efficiently as we move forward. We will be able to consume as much data as we can create. We continue to find more and more uses for data all the time as it becomes more ubiquitous by the day. Data will be used more efficiently as we move forward. Data is easily moved from place to place via lines. Is that the right analogy? If you have an analogy that you prefer rather than Oil or Electricity, I’d like to propose a challenge, we’d love to hear ‘your’ analogy and context where ‘you’ see data fitting into the current landscape. Please jot down your thoughts in the comments below!
By Mark Thompson 03 May, 2019
Proud to announce my Alma Matter is once again ranked #1 Top international MBA programs 1. University of South Carolina (Moore) 2. Harvard University 3 (tie). New York University (Stern) 3 (tie). University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) 5. Georgetown University (McDonough) 6. University of California—Berkeley (Haas) 7. Columbia University 8. University of Michigan—Ann Arbor (Ross) 9. Saint Louis University (Chaifetz) 10. Duke University (Fuqua)
By Mark Thompson 26 Apr, 2019
The Long Game, Is your company looking at “The Big Picture”? “The Long Game”? This is an important component to a company culture. It isn’t ‘only’ Wall Street (stockholders and boardrooms) that can take a short-term approach.
Alteryx change management
By Mark Thompson 08 Apr, 2019
Change happens, and it's change management takes skill. Implementing a new application at a company is challenging, and can often be met with the phrase "it's just a tool"
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